August 05, 2022

shredder ski franchise chicago

For any beginner skier, you may see “first track” and think that is exactly what you need when you visit your local lodge or indoor skiing school. To the more experienced skier, that term means opportunity and beauty. 

A “first track” (or “freshies”) is when you get to the summit of a mountain, look down, and see nothing but white–pristine snow with no tracks. On shorter hills, resorts rake the slopes every morning to create a “corduroy slope,”–even lines that look like those pants you had when you were a child. That untouched snow you are about to create its “first tracks.” 

Some skiers only want to ski first tracks so they can leave their signature in the snow behind them–figuratively or literally if they’re that talented. If you know anything about Shredders Ski School, we have pioneered indoor skiing in Colorado. There’s no need to spend hundreds of dollars for your cute outfits, stylish skis, and best ski or snowboard times, and you don’t know the first thing about keeping your balance and staying out of everyone’s way. 

That’s why we believe an indoor ski resort is a first-track idea. For you Star Trek fans, Shredder has “boldly gone where no ski lodge has gone before.” In the middle of the summer, you can go to a ski or snowboard school. The entire family can walk into an indoor skiing school in shorts and a tank top to prepare for the real thing five to six months later. 

If you want to excel at skiing or snowboarding, you need to invest time to train first. With practice comes the path to perfection. Inside Shredder’s, children and adults alike can find more than lessons to help not make your first time on the slopes a bad memory. Our indoor skiing school lessons easily translate to outdoor abilities. You can grow a love for outdoor skiing in the comfort of an indoor school. 

First tracks, in skiing vernacular, represent an opportunity to see something in its purest state and be the first to make tracks. As it pertains to an indoor ski resort, first tracks mean getting what you need before everyone else is there. That’s why we believe indoor skiing instruction is the first-track idea, and here are some reasons you should know to back that up. 

Indoor Ski Affordability 

What do you think is more expensive? A lesson on the mountain’s powder snow or on a manufactured hill where you can fall and not worry about people stumbling over you? At an indoor ski resort, skis and safety gear are provided. There is no need for a full shopping expedition on what you need to wear. Show up in shorts and learn how to ski inside much cheaper than you would anywhere else. 

Indoor Ski Equity

If you choose indoor skiing, you will be placed in a class with peers of similar skills. Everyone you train with is on equal footing. There’s so much more to the outdoor experience on a slope than playing in the snow. To some students of skiing, the thought of learning balance while on the snow may sound difficult. However, indoors on a carpeted floor, balance is much easier to comprehend and perform. 

Indoor Skiing Certainty

Teaching children or adults the fundamentals of skiing or snowboarding strengthen their skills and maintain long-term interest in the love of the slopes. By being available to practice year-round, skills are honed and confidence is grown. Most of the time, that’s all a student needs to get on the mountain in some fresh powder to have fun. Once confidence arrives, progress happens faster and the indoor ski resort student gets better. 

Indoor Ski Opportunity

If a new student spends enough time indoor skiing, that confidence grows into the zeal to learn more advanced skills for skiing and snowboarding. The younger students are more physically independent, so the fun comes with more skill. The opportunity to learn more and do more is right around the corner. By the time they get to the slopes, they can hop over the bunny slopes and get higher up the mountain for some fun. 

Indoor Skiing Security

Another reason indoor skiing is the first-track idea is because of what regular students walk away from the indoor ski lessons with a permanent feeling of experience and understanding that they have the skills to stay safe on the slopes and around other skiers. They’ve been around experienced skiers every day at the school. Trained instructors have groomed them for their first winter ski down a mountain. Then, it becomes like riding a bike–it’s second nature and a blast. 

Indoor Ski Festivity

When you are ready to search for “indoor skiing near me,” the one thing any new student wants is fun! If they are taught in a safe, comfortable, and warm environment, the only natural outcome will be fun. Everyone there is out for the same thing – a smile, some experience, and a great memory. The slopes are waiting and the outdoors are calling, and thanks to your training, fun is waiting to be experienced.